Seminar: Jewish internment in the Marche.

Seminar: Jewish internment in the Marche.

Saturday, February 24, 2024 the Casa della Memoria di Urbisaglia organised its second public event with the Seminar on “Jewish internment in the Marche: building an itinerary of History and Memory”.

In the morning the small municipal theater of Urbisaglia was insufficient to contain the many participants, including, particularly welcome, a nice group of girls and boys from the local Secondary School.

After greetings from the mayor of Urbisaglia Paolo Giubileo and Lina Caraceni on behalf of the rector of Unimc John McCourt, the started with a presentation by the historian Angelo Ventrone, scientific advisor of the Casa della Memoria di Urbisaglia, who reported on the definition of concentration camps, their aim, general functions and typologies.

It was then the turn of the historian Costantino Di Sante (University of Molise), who provided the coordinates of free internment in the Marche, a reality that involved 84 municipalities, more than a third of the total. He was then followed by Annalisa Cegna (Historical Institute of Macerata), who reported on women’s concentration camps. Giordano Viozzi (president of the Casa della Memoria di Servigliano) and Giovanna Salvucci (president of the Casa della Memoria di Urbisaglia) presented the activities of their Associations.

After a light refreshment, the afternoon began with a visit to the Urbisaglia camp at the Abbey of Fiastra.

Back in the municipal theater of Urbisaglia, the second part of the Seminar began with the greeting of Graziano Leoni (chancellor of the University of Camerino). The session was chaired by the journalist Rai Patrizia Ginobili. The first speaker was Michele Loreti (Unicam professor of Computer Science), who reported on the digitization project. He was followed by Adachiara Zevi, who reported on the increasingly widespread experience of the Stolpersteine. Daniele Rossi and Riccardo Mecozzi ( University of Camerino) presented the project they realized to allow a virtual visit to the Campo di Servigliano, which you can find online here.

The intense afternoon was concluded by Luca Brignone, director of the movie “Per un nuovo domani“, on the story of over 70 foreign Jews who, between 1941 and 1943, were interned in Castelnuovo di Garfagnana. Luca Brignone had met the previous day the students of the Artistic High School of Macerata, authors of two short films on the Urbisaglia camp.