Sergio Roedner: in Urbisaglia in the footsteps of his father Ernst
Sergio Roedner: in Urbisaglia in the footsteps of his father Ernst

Sergio Roedner: in Urbisaglia in the footsteps of his father Ernst

On 27 January 2024, the Association Casa della Memoria di Urbisaglia, together with the Municipal Administration and the ANPI of Urbisaglia, organized a meeting with Sergio Roedner, only son of Ernst Roedner, interned in the local Internment Camp from 29 July 1940 to 2 April 1942. Accompanied by his son Ernst Giulio, Sergio Roedner traced the vicissitudes of his family: five generations involved in the sad vicissitudes of anti-Semitism and Nazism, including the internment of his father in the Urbisaglia camp.

The meeting was preceded by the speech of a group of students of the Artistic Lyceum Giulio Cantalamessa of Macerata, led by their teachers Jacopo Caggiano Veronica Mastrogiacomi and Roserita Calisti, who introduced the two short films they made about the Urbisaglia camp.

Emanuela Balelli, President of the Centro Studi Balelli for the History of Photography, spoke of the importance of photography, as a fundamental tool to inverstigate our recent past,

At the end of the meeting the male section of the Choir Equi-Voci of Urbisaglia, conducted by M° Cristina Picozzi, performed the song Komm mein Schatz auf den Bocceplatz (Come, my love, at the bowls field), composed in the Urbisaglia camp on 17 July 1941 by two internees: Paul Schwenk, cellist, who composed the music, and Egon Mosbach, poet, who composed the words.

The meeting was attended by Massimo Cortese, son of Police Officer of the Urbisgalia camp Gino Cortese and Alessandro Pantanetti, grandson of internee Herman Wartski and son of Partisan Commander Augusto.