


The internment camp of Urbisaglia (Italy), set up at Villa Giustiniani Bandini at the Abbey of Fiastra, came into operation on 16 June 1940.

The Ministry of the Interior sent to Urbisaglia internees for police reasons (anti-fascists and Italian civilians considered dangerous), for war reasons (Slovenians, Dalmatians and Croats suspected of supporting the partisan war) and for racial reasons (German, Polish, former Czechoslovak and former Austrian Jews). In the time it remained operational, the camp of Urbisaglia counted the passage of about 400 people.

The Association Casa della Memoria di Urbisaglia, founded in2022, has the aim of promoting research on the Urbisaglia Camp, and of collecting and providing information about the people who were imprisoned there from 1940 to 1943. It also aims to affirm the values of peace, of democracy and solidarity, and pay tribute to the victims of fascist repression and to all those who opposed the barbarity of war and racism.

Le Fosse Ardeatine: 80 years after the massacre, in memory of Odoardo Della Torre

Friday, July 5th at 17:30 at Abbadia di Fiastra (Tolentino), a conference on the Fosse Ardeatine massacre, in memory of Odoardo Della Torre, interned in the Urbisaglia camp from June to October 1940 and killed at the Fosse Ardeatine with the other 334 political and Jewish prisoners. Leggi tutto "Le Fosse Ardeatine: 80 years after the massacre, in memory of Odoardo Della Torre"

Casa della Memoria at the UNICAM Science Festival

Over 1,550 people attended the event "La Scienza in Festa" organised by the University of Camerino in collaboration with Casa della Memoria di Urbisaglia. Leggi tutto "Casa della Memoria at the UNICAM Science Festival"

Sergio Roedner: in Urbisaglia in the footsteps of his father Ernst

Sergio Roedner, only son of Ernst Roedner, traced the vicissitudes of his family: five generations involved in the antisemitic policies, including the internment of his father in the Urbisaglia camp. Leggi tutto "Sergio Roedner: in Urbisaglia in the footsteps of his father Ernst"