The project “Digitization and Memory” has been launched
The project “Digitization and Memory” has been launched

The project “Digitization and Memory” has been launched

Wednesday, March 29, Francesco Casoni, Melania Fattorini and Federico Valeri (PhD students at the University of Camerino) began the scanning of documents related to the internment camp of Urbisaglia kept at the State Archives of Macerata.

The project, started thanks to the contribution of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Macerata, is coordinated by Prof. Andrea Polini and Michele Loreti (University of Camerino).

We wanted to start the activities of the Casa della Memoria di Urbisaglia with this project“, emphasizes President Giovanna Salvucci, “because one of the fundamental purposes of the Association is precisely to promote research on the history of the camp of Urbisaglia to reconstruct the events of those who were interned there in the years 1940-1043“.

In order to stimulate research it is necessary to build a database to allow the consultation of documents to all scholars who do not have the opportunity to go personally to the archives, and to the Institutions that collect information on the victims of fascist repression and Shoah (e.g. Yad Vashem, CDEC Digital Library, Auschwitz-Birkenau National Museum, etc.).

In line with the Ministry of Culture’s National Cultural Heritage Digitisation Plan 2022-2023, the project will include not only the scanning, but also the managing of metadata, in such a way that they will be aligned with the most up-to-date national and international standards, ensuring their interoperability and longevity. 

As for storage, management and online publication, the project provides, in agreement with the State Archives of Macerata and thanks to its Director Fausta Pennesi, the use of the open source platform for the integrated management of cultural heritage MetaFAD of ICAR (Central Institute for Archives). The acquired documents, then, will become part of the Digital Library of the Ministry of Culture, ensuring users the use integrated by a single access point.

Anyone wishing to support the project can send a donation through the form on our website