Heinrich Ramras

Heinrich Ramras

HEINRICH RAMRAS (1887 – 1944)

Heinrich Ramras (arch. CDEC)

Heinrich Ramras, son of Emanuel Ramras and Malka Wifer, was born in Lodz (Poland) on 17 June 1887.

He was a textile merchant and lived in Wien (Austria) together with his wife Anna Schroetter and their two daughters, Gertrude and her younger sister Lia.

During the war Gertrude moved to Irland and the rest of the family escaped to Italy.

According to the the stamps on Ramras’s passport which is kept in the Archivio di Stato in Macerata, he arrived in Italy on 26 July 1939. On 1st August 1940 he was interned in the Campagna camp (Salerno).

In a letter send by the Questura di Macerata to the Comune di Urbisaglia dated 30 July 1941, Ramras asked to be transferred Campagna camp (Salerno) to Urbisaglia because in that camp was interned Dr. Paul Pollak, who used to be his physician (DOC 1). On 1st August 1941, the director of Urbisaglia camp replied that actually Dr. Paul Pollak was Ramras’s physician when they lived in Wien and that they were friends. The director wrote that he had no objection to have Ramras in the Urbisaglia camp (see DOC 2 below).

On 4 September 1941 Heinrich Ramras was interned in the Urbisaglia camp.

On 3 April 1942, Ramras’s daughter Lia, who was living with her mother in Milano, Via Fontana 12, went to Urbisaglia to visit him. She left Urbisaglia on 10 April 1942 (DOCs 4-5-6-7).

Ramras left the Urbisaglia camp after the announcement of the 8 September 1943 Armistice. Many inmates fled to the countryside. On 18 September he re-entered the camp together with many other inmates because they trusted the authorities who claimed to be guarantors of their safety (and also because they probably had no other place to go). Italy was occupied by the Germans.

On 30 September Heinrich Ramras and the other internees were transferred by the Germans to a POW camp (PG No. 56 located in Sforzacosta).

On 24 November 1943, he was again transferred to be confined (“free” internment) in Urbisaglia, together with Teitel Iakob, Seifter Bernhard, Nembaner Ugo, Mezei Moritz, Lustig Rudolf.

On 7 February 1944, Ramras and his wife Anna Schroetter were transferred from “free internment” in Urbisaglia to the concentration camp of Pollenza, 11 km far from Urbisaglia. (DOC 10)

On 18 February 1944, Ramras and his wifeare listed in the camp Villa Lauri in Pollenza. They were confined there together with other 24 Jewish men and 16 women.

On 26 February 1944 Ramras wrote to the Comune di Urbisaglia to ask that his daily allowance must be sent to the administration of the Pollenza camp. (DOCs 8-9)

According to the documents of CDEC Digital Library, Enrico Ramras was lately transferred to the Fossoli di Carpi camp (Modena), and from there to Auschwitz on 5 April 1944.

Heinrich Ramras and his wife Anna Schroetter didn’t survive Holacaust.

His daughter Lia managed to survive in a monastery. After the war she moved to England where she lived to the end with her husband and only child.

Gertrude married in England and in 1947 moved to Israel. She had three children (one son and two girls), 11 grandchildren and many grand grandchildren. All are Israel residents.

Gertrude’s children (Ilana Shaul, Yedidya Games Honig and Jehudit Naomi Eduard) visited the Urbisaglia camp on 29 April 2019. Read the article.

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